Rabu, 30 November 2016

Lose Weight While Metabolism Slow Start

Lose Weight While Metabolism Slow Start
QUESTION: Dear Dr. Ida, with age has been half a century, I am aware of the increasingly difficult to control the weight of the body to remain ideal. I feel the weight 58 is too heavy and makes me tired in the activity (currently under 40 years of age in my weight range 44-47 kg. The question is, how to lose weight when the body's metabolism begins to decline with age. Second, how well diet good and balanced? I'm allergic to many foods, from all dairy products, all kacang2an, all seafood, eggs, chicken meat (all poultry), goat meat, chocolate, banana, pineapple, grapefruit, durian. each of these foods have a reaction allergies are different. Oh yes, I also have osteoponia and seems to have also started premenopausal. Thank you in advance. Evita (50), Jember ANSWER: Thank you mother Evita in JemberSebagian women entering middle age around 50 years usually also have started entering premenopausal age (around 45-55 years) or menopause. Why premenopausal age is mentioned specifically? it turns out that at that age is often an increase in weight is generally in line with the addition of their age. How could this happen? This situation occurs because of hormonal imbalance, age, lifestyle, stress and heredity. Location increase in weight, is generally felt in the abdomen and pelvis is marked with more accumulation of fat in the venue. But the mother do not be discouraged because of increased weight at premenopausal age does not mean that can not be avoided. There are several ways to do: 1. Consumption of foods in smaller amounts in accordance with the needs of the body and adhering to a complete balanced diet (and I answer the question mother to two). A smaller number such as maternal age maksudnya.Pada required calorie reduction of about 200 kcal / day if than when mothers were aged 30-40 years, this is due to a decrease in muscle mass in the body, so that the energy required is also reduced. Therefore, the amount of food consumed to be less than usual. In a balanced nutrition should also be considered not only the amount, but the type and feeding schedule. Choose food that is good and healthy should contain: - Complex carbohydrates such as rice, cereal, potatoes, oats, etc.- animal and vegetable proteins. Considering mother has many allergies, the selection of animal protein and vegetable can be customized with allergies ibu.- fats, choose the type of good fats rich in omega 3, 6, 9. Can be found in olive oil (olive oil), avocados, and flaxseed (sold in supermarkets) - Vitamins, minerals and fiber with the main source of vegetables and fruits. Choose a colorful, meaning every meal there is a green color (green vegetables), red color orange (tomatoes, carrots, watermelon, guava) and the red color purple (eggplant, mangosteen, grape), etc. Given the mother also have osteopenia, hence the need for calcium is very noteworthy. If the mother is allergic to milk, can be tested by taking calcium supplements at a dose of 500 mg sebanayk 2x sehari.2. Increase physical activity. Perform aerobic activity because it can help burn excess fat such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, dancing, swimming, etc. It is recommended at least 150 minutes / week or about 20-30 minutes / day and do every day. 3. Make lifestyle changes. If you often feel stressed or lonely and started snacking on any discomfort arises, then there is no harm in seeking support from family or friends so that problems like this can be avoided. You can also do a lot of sports (such as yoga, meditation, etc.) to relieve stress, dll4. And do not forget to rest enough, preferably about 6-7 hours / day.

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Kamis, 24 November 2016

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan 10 Kg Dalam 1 Minggu

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan 10 Kg Dalam 1 Minggu

Manfaat Teh Hijau Untuk Kesehatan

Teh hijau telah menikmati oleh orang di China dan Jepang selama ratusan tahun; hal ini menjadi lebih luas dikenal dan dihargai di Barat dari waktu ke waktu.

 Teh hijau telah dikenal masyarakat memiliki banyak keuntungan dan manfaat, terutama untuk kesehatan. Tetapi banyak orang tidak tahu penjelasan yang benar mengapa dan bagaimana teh hijau menurunkan berat badan akan membantu memulihkan kesehatan mereka.

 Salah satu alasannya adalah teh hijau mengandung kuat anti-oksidan mampu mencegah kanker. Penelitian menemukan fakta bahwa mempraktekkan mengambil teh hijau sebagai hari biasa dengan hari diet mungkin akan menurunkan resiko kanker usus, pankreas, kandung kemih, rektum, dan kanker perut sebesar 60%. Epigallocatechin gallate (juga disebut sebagai EGCG), yang paling penting dari agen anti-oksidan dalam teh hijau dipercaya memiliki kekuatan anti-oksidan hingga 100% lebih tinggi dari vitamin C dan 25% lebih efektif dalam mempertahankan sel-sel dari pengaruh berbahaya . EGCG tidak hanya dapat menghindari tumbuhnya sel kanker baru tetapi juga memiliki kemampuan untuk membunuh sel-sel kanker yang sudah tersedia dan membuat sel-sel yang kuat dan kesehatan.

 Teh hijau menurunkan kolesterol jahat (LDL) dalam tubuh kita dan menyeimbangkan jumlah kolesterol baik (HDL). Hal ini menjelaskan mengapa peminum teh dapat makan banyak kolesterol dan masih memiliki jumlah kolesterol sama seimbang. Hal ini dapat membantu untuk mencegah pembekuan darah dari pembentukan yang pasti mungkin menyebabkan trombosis, hal ini tentu lebih penting jika Anda kebetulan menganggap bahwa ini adalah tanpa diragukan lagi salah satu penyebab utama serangan jantung dan stroke.

 Teh hijau juga dapat membantu mengurangi tekanan darah tinggi dengan mengatasi angio-ketegangan yang menyebabkan pembuluh darah untuk mempersempit dan menyebabkan tekanan darah tinggi. Polifenol dan Polisakarida yang ditemukan dalam teh hijau sangat efisien untuk mengurangi kadar gula dalam darah dan menghentikan dari jenis-dua diabetes.

 Teh hijau juga dapat melindungi hati dari zat kimia beracun dan berbahaya berbahaya sebagaimana tercantum dalam asap rokok dan alkohol untuk contoh.

 Selain itu, teh hijau juga baik untuk kesehatan mulut dengan menghentikan pembangunan plak gigi dan membunuh bakteri yang menghasilkan masalah bau mulut.

 Green Tea juga membantu pencegahan radikal bebas dari penuaan Anda sebelum waktunya dan memberikan sistem kekebalan tubuh Anda dorongan sebagai akibat dari konsentrasi tinggi polifenol dan flavonoid.

 Teh hijau juga memiliki antibakteri dan antivirus komponen juga. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh penelitian yang menunjukkan teh hijau dapat menghentikan penyebaran penyakit dan mempercepat proses pengobatan flu dan demam. Properti ini juga mampu mencegah tujuh varietas keracunan makanan termasuk botulism, clostridium dan staphylococcus.

 Jika Anda punya masalah dehidrasi, teh hijau juga dapat tersedia untuk menghentikan proses dehidrasi dengan membantu tubuh untuk menyeimbangkan cairan dalam tubuh. Selain itu ia mampu menyingkirkan ketegangan dan kelelahan yang disebabkan oleh mengurangi cairan tubuh. Teh hijau juga sering digunakan sebagai komponen kunci dalam diet yang baik yang membantu Anda untuk keterlaluan metabolisme dan mendorong proses pembakaran kalori.

 Meskipun teh hitam diperoleh melalui sumber yang sama teh hijau, tetapi teh hitam tidak memiliki manfaat yang sama dan melekat dalam teh hijau. Itu karena proses fermentasi selama teh hitam manufaktur mengurangi isi dan manfaat dari teh asli.

 Yang mengatakan, teh dalam bentuk apapun terus menjadi bermanfaat bagi kesehatan hanya saja beberapa lebih dari yang lain. Cara terbaik untuk merawat nutrisi teh selalu minum itu baru diseduh, tanpa gula atau susu juga membiarkan minuman teh sekitar 4-5 sebelum dikonsumsi.

Senin, 07 November 2016

Achieve Ideal Body Weight with Application Counters

Achieve Ideal Body Weight with Application Counters
Now, calculate the calories of food is no longer difficult. Technology allows the layman calculate the calories diasup everyday.

For dieters, calorie counter application can be used as a solution. Just by entering the data of food or scanning barcodes on food packaging, food calories can be estimated.

No longer need a special notebook to record all food eaten. Most noticeably is no need to bother to find out the number of calories in a menu from a variety of sources.

Like the story of Dina (28) which is always fiddling with his cell phone before eating. This ritual he did to determine the amount of calories in food to be eaten.

"I used MyFitnessPal application. It's easy, just point the camera phone to the barcode on food packaging. Deh appeared dose calories, "said Dina who are trying to lose weight.

Various existing applications has advantages and disadvantages. The most prominent is usually how much the application database regarding food.

"I chose MyFitnessPal for food database is very comprehensive. In fact, the data kethoprak calories in one serving of anything, "said Dina.

Previously, Dina claimed hassles with a small notebook and looking for info on calories in one menu. He had to find out like a student who was working on research tasks.

As a result, Dina claimed to down a few kilograms in a month. He did not want to be too drastic to lose weight in a short time.

Curious, Kompas.com was tested for three days. This application has more than six million food menu in the database.

Some Indonesian dishes like sauteed oncom leunca, Holy soto, Ketoprak, tripe, and tongseng exists in the database. Even for tongseng menu there is an option with or without coconut milk, which certainly has a different amount of calories.

Why Calories?
Why are calculated is a calorie? Rather than carbohydrates or fat is often considered as the source of obesity?

Adapted by LiveScience, a calorie is a unit of energy. All types of foods contain calories, including the fat calories.

The number of calories each food is different. Most of the literature says that fat has the highest number of calories compared with carbohydrates and protein.

So, counting calories is arguably a middle way. Thus we need not stay away from fats and carbohydrates. In any case the body needs fat and carbohydrates.

Healthy adult human generally need 2,000 calories per day. Except in certain circumstances, be more or less.

For dieters who want to lose weight, must consume less than 2000 calories per day. In a measure calories, the necessary skills to read the number of calories in one menu. Of course, further supported by the daily caloric intake.

Activity recorded in calories is not without reason. A study conducted by Kaiser Permanente Care Weight Management Institute said that the activities of this record enlarge a person's success in weight loss programs.

Dieters experienced success recorded menu two times greater than those not taking notes.

"The process of understanding what to eat every day to make us aware of what they eat and become a good habit. But once again depends on the person, whether to keep the target weight loss or not, "said Keith Bachmann, member of Kaiser Permanente Care Management Institute Weight quoted as saying by LiveScience.

The bottom line, whatever application you choose, all of it just as a note taker and reminder. The spirit and motivation from within remains the key to the success of a diet program.
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